Be Kind to Others

    In Oklahoma, we have a saying, and you may have a similar one in your language as well. Never criticize a man until you’ve walked a mile in his moccasins. Although we never really know what someone else is going through, empathy can certainly help us to practice kindness with others.  I’ve been […]

Black or White… or Grey?

In teaching this week, two different phrases came up that required explanation for my students: mixed blessing and false dichotomy. Additionally, I used the phrase double-edged sword in a mini-lecture and had to explain that as well. These phrases and the explanations got me thinking about absolutes and how we like things to be one […]

Mistake Idioms

Mistakes.  Some are incidental while others, of course, can be substantial, but we all make them, usually on a daily basis. As a college instructor, my mistakes are so often very public and thus that much more embarrassing, frustrating, or even potentially harming than the errors of others less in the public eye. I try […]

Love Not Only for Lovers

Valentine’s day is coming up, offering a wonderful chance to express affection and appreciation for those in committed relationships. Idioms for romantic love will abound on the internet this week, so having one more from me seems superfluous. Moreover, love is not limited solely to lovers. Casual friends and even strangers in the street can […]